Java Keywords Some identifiers are reserved in Java which has separate functionality and meaning such type of reserved identifiers are called reserved words. Java has 54 reserved keywords. We can divide them into the following categories. Primitive types and void : 9 keywords boolean : creates a boolean variable. The only possible values are true and false and the default value is false. byte : creates a byte variable. A byte takes 8-bits and ranges from -128 to 127. char : used to create a character variable. It takes 2-bytes and it’s unsigned. The value ranges from 0 to 65,536. short : create a short variable of 2-bytes. The value ranges from -32,768 to 32,767. int : create an integer variable, takes 4-bytes and the range is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 long : creates a long variable, takes 8-bytes and the range is from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. float : creates a signed floating point variable using 4-bytes. double ...
I can't seem to find any official documentation on this, so here are my notes. Some information gathered from Other information gathered through trial and error, and close examination of the "Add Event" form on Yahoo!'s site. Yahoo! Calendar URL Parameters Parameter Required Example Value Notes v Required 60 Must be 60 . Possibly a version number? TITLE Required Event title Line feeds will appear in the confirmation screen, but will not be saved. May not contain HTML. ST Required 20090514T180000Z Event start time in UTC. Will be converted to the user's time zone. 20090514T180000 Event start time in user's local time 20090514 Event start time for an all day event. DUR value is ignored if this form is used. DUR 0200 Duration of the event. Format is HHMM, zero-padded. MM may range up to 99, and is converted into hours appropriately. HH values over 24 hours appear to be modulated by 24. Durations t...